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A behind the scenes look at all the funny stories from Frank’s 38-years of covering news in the
New York Metropolitan area and working with the likes of TV and radio personalities Don Imus, Howard Stern,
Soupy Sales, Alan Colmes, Rolland Smith, Doctor Frank Field and many more.

“One of my best jobs ever was working at WNBC Radio. Frank’s remembrances of our work at WNBC reminds me how much fun radio is, especially when you get to work with guys like him. But I don’t remember the nude show. I believe I was out that day.”

– Alan Colmes / Fox News



‘It Shocked Even Us!” is a personal journey into the depths of reporting and the inside of television news. Frank Cipolla’s journey is one wrapped in the gift of story and experience and given to the reader to enjoy.”

– Rolland G. Smith / WCBS-TV / WWOR-TV



“Frank always knew how to stand out. He brought an in-your-face attitude to an area that never saw it before but surely benefited from it with his determined, dogged, direct news coverage.”

– Wayne Cabot / All News Radio Anchor / NYC


'The Imus Corn Flake Story'

Former WNBC Radio / TV personality Frank Cipolla shares his own favorite Don Imus story:


"When I was a news anchor on the Soupy Sales Show on WNNNNNNBC, I’d come in to do the first newscast between the end of the Imus Show and the beginning of the Soupy Show. My newscast gave both crews time to clean up, clear out and set up. Imus liked to eat cereal at his console. One day, Soupy came in while I was doing news to find one, ONE corn flake on the desk just below his microphone. It slipped out of Imus’ bowl and had gone unnoticed. Soupy flipped out, cursing Imus unmercifully for being a slob. Imus heard about it.


Several days later when I went in to do the news between shows, Imus was still there. Alone. That was odd because he was usually the first one to clear out. I then noticed a giant family-size box of cornflakes. As I was on air doing the news, Imus ripped open the top of the box and sprayed corn flakes all over the studio. It was raining corn flakes everywhere. The incident added to the tensions between the two and accelerated the feud between the I-Man and Soupy.”

Cipolla has so many stories about broadcasting, he filled an entire book with ’em.

More radio & TV news stories in “It Shocked Even Us!”

"It Shocked Even Us!" by Frank Cipolla

ISBN #: 978-0-578-08140-3

Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved

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